Sunday 25 March 2012

The Great Escape

This week me and my group has made a small and fun game that we named The Great Escape. This is a simple game that do not require any thinking. This is a pure fun game. Suitable for all ages, kids and adult. Player has to find their way to save their character to get out of the jungle.

Theme : Underground

Narrative : One day there are two guy, the named is Jack and Jill. They have been kidnapped and stored in the dark underground. They need to compete and find the way to escape from that underground to save themselves. However, there are several boxes that contain traps, extra turn, and the key itself. If player lucky enough to get more extra turn rather than the losing one turn and get the key first, he is the one that will win. When the player found the key, it means the door to the way out is already somewhere near there.

Game Mechanic :

* Each player rolls the dice to know how many blocks the player can go.
* The player has to decide which way to go when they meet an intersection to get out and win the game.

Conflicts :

* In between player will meet several boxes that player will meet. (Extra turn and missing turn)
* All the boxes are looks the same so player did not know what box will they get.
* There is only 1 box that contain the key which one of the player will get first to get out of the maze.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Game review: Zork 1

Zork 1 was one of the first interactive fiction game that was published by infocom in December 1980. It was a very famous text adventure trilogy game. It started with Zork 1 to Zork 2 and the last is Zork 3. The Zork 1 was sold 378,987 copies until 1986.

This game might be look boring for some people as it is only played by using keyboard because this game is base on text that we type. It does not has any graphic picture to support the story of the game but for some people it it very interesting to play and finish the story in this game as player need to use the imagination while playing the game. But I believe this game is interesting and fun enough in the 80s.

The main purpose of this game is to collect all the 20 treasures. First, the player is inside a house with little clue of what he can do to get thing such as weapons that could help him escape the house and be able to survive from danger and solve some problem that player will meet. This game has also provided player with the total score and number of move so that they could know how many points player has got in the number of movement.

As time goes, this game could not be found in the original, but some people have manage to make it playable in some websites and also apple iphone provide the application to play this game on the iPhone with the similar interface.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Game review: Crystal Castles

Crystal Castles is a game developed and published by Atari, inc. It was released in 1983. This game was being played in arcade as in an older time games are popular in arcade and not being played at home. This game is able to play up to 2 players to play together in one time.

In this game we become the character name Bentley Bear and this bear has to walk all around the castle in order to collect all the germs. When the bear is collecting the germs, there will be bunch of enemies try to catch the bear. When the enemy catch the bear, the bear will lost one live but he still can continue until he finish all his live. The bear can move and jump through all the castle to get all the germs and continue to the next level.

This game has a similarity with pac-man where the character has to eat the pallets in order to win the game but this crystal castle allowed player to jump to the castle and has larger space compare to pac man.
This game is now able to be played in computer not like in the past where player could only play in the arcade.

Medieval War

Name: Medieval War
Theme: Field of war

Narrative: There are 2 nations in the medieval age who fight and win to conquer and lead the other nation. So, they declare a war between each other in the battle with the soldiers that they have.

This game is good for 2 players. First, before player move, they have to roll the 2 dices then choose a random card to decide which character to use. The character could only move according how many number the card assign them. When the character of the 2 nation team meet, the one with bigger attack is the winner and the loser will die. There are power up and power down in the field. if player is lucky enough to stop at the block with the power up, the character could gain more attack point. 

Game Mechanic: 
  • Each player should roll the 2 dices to get the range of step on the board and choose 1 random character by picking up a random card
  • Player must close their character's card to get the random one.
  • Only 10 characters can be in the field.
  • Each players gets 100 points from the beginning. 
  1. King = Attack : 5; Range: 1  
  2. Knight = Attack : 4; Range: 1
  3. Knight = Attack : 3; Range: 2
  4. Knight = Attack : 2; Range: 3
  5. Knight = Attack : 1; Range: 1
  1. If character want to perform an attack, they must open the card of the character.
  2. If both characters meet in one block, they must open their character's card and start battle. The biggest point is the one that will win.
  3. If the character stopped at the block, that contains a special attributes, it can power up or power down the character abilities.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Game in the 80's: Pac Man

Pac man was first released in Japan on May 22, 1980. In North America was on October 1980 and slowly it's going global. It is an arcade game that was developed by Namco.  During these days, games are already comes in color so it is more fun compare to the games in the 1970s.

This is a very simple game where the player required to move left, right, up, or down only in order to move. The player has to control the pac man through the maze to eat all the pallets and after the pallets are all eaten, it will continue to next stage. The game is not as easy as just ear the pallets, there are 4 enemies (blinky, clyde, pinky and inky) that you have to avoid. If you are not good enough, the 4 enemies could eat you. This game gives you 2 extra lives so when u got eaten once by the enemy, you have chance to continue the game.

In between the small pallets, there are some bigger pallets that you can eat and  you could be powerful for few seconds. That big pallets give you power to eat all the enemies without get hurts. The enemy that you eat will back to the box in the centre of the maze and could regenerated.

It is a fun and simple game that until now it is still very famous and the important aspect from this game is the fun of getting away from the enemies but you have to eat all the pallets in order to go to the next level.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Blood Diamond

The story behind this game is that the miners has to compete in order to get the diamond that is located inside of the jungle but to get in to the jungle, they have to be able to escape some obstacles on their way to get the diamond. This is a simple game which required player to have a character that is placed in number one and use a dice to tell them how many steps could they go. On the way for the player to reach the destination, they will find some obstacles as well as some helping in between.

The Obstacles that they could find is snake which if they step on the tail of the snake, they have to move back few steps and also an obstacle where they have to stop 1 turn but the opponent keep going.
Some helping or bonus point is called a ladder. This ladder could let the player to step up few blocks in just a single turn.

Game Description:
Name: Blood Diamond
Theme: Mystic jungle

Narrative: Both miners compete to find the blood diamond but they must compete with each other to reach the mysterious cave through a dangerous and mysterious jungle.

Game Mechanic: to play this game, player must roll dice in order to move forward but ut has to be according to the number that is shown on the dice.

  1. If the player is lucky enough to stop at the block which has a ladder, they can go up to the other side of the ladder and not reversely.
  2. if the player stopped at the block, which has a tail of the snake, the player must go down to the block where the end is the snake's head.
  3. if the player stopped at the block, which has a double border square, they will gain an additional 2 points from the number that is shown from the dice.
  4. If the player stopped at the block, which has a skeleton mark, they will miss one turn.
  5. When the player near te finish line and the number from the dice that they are rolling is more than the blocks that is left, the remaining number from the dice will be used for the player to move backward. So in order to get to the finish line, player must get an exact number that is shown from the dice. 

Game in the 70's: Lunar Lander

Lunar Lander is a game released by Atari, one of the game company in the United States. It was released in 1979. It is a vehicle simulation type of game which the player is the pilot that has to land the plane safely on the surface of the moon but they have to manage the fuel tank so that they are not running out of fuel.

It is a simple game but for me it is an addicting game. The player can not just land on any of the surface of the moon. It could only land on the flat surface that has the point on it. The hard part of the game is in controlling the plane. Player has to control the speed of the plane so that it could land safely because when it move too fast while landing, the plane will brake and player has to start from the beginning.
The game has 3 themes, Moon, Earth and Jupiter. Those 3 planet indicate the level. Moon is the easiest and Jupiter is the hardest. It is basically has a outer space theme.

The further the plane can fly and land safely, the more point the player could get. As the plane fly further, the surface of the planet is also getting harder to go through. It's not a flat surface, it has an up and down surface which make player feels like they are playing in the outer space. And they have to maintain the speed and fuel so that they could land safely on the flat surface.
The important aspect that could be seen in this simple game is the fun of getting the plane to land safely with a limited fuel tank which is not an easy task. The Gameplay has made people get addicted to this even they have to play in a very simple graphic with only black and white color.