Thursday 15 March 2012

Game review: Crystal Castles

Crystal Castles is a game developed and published by Atari, inc. It was released in 1983. This game was being played in arcade as in an older time games are popular in arcade and not being played at home. This game is able to play up to 2 players to play together in one time.

In this game we become the character name Bentley Bear and this bear has to walk all around the castle in order to collect all the germs. When the bear is collecting the germs, there will be bunch of enemies try to catch the bear. When the enemy catch the bear, the bear will lost one live but he still can continue until he finish all his live. The bear can move and jump through all the castle to get all the germs and continue to the next level.

This game has a similarity with pac-man where the character has to eat the pallets in order to win the game but this crystal castle allowed player to jump to the castle and has larger space compare to pac man.
This game is now able to be played in computer not like in the past where player could only play in the arcade.

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