Thursday 15 March 2012

Medieval War

Name: Medieval War
Theme: Field of war

Narrative: There are 2 nations in the medieval age who fight and win to conquer and lead the other nation. So, they declare a war between each other in the battle with the soldiers that they have.

This game is good for 2 players. First, before player move, they have to roll the 2 dices then choose a random card to decide which character to use. The character could only move according how many number the card assign them. When the character of the 2 nation team meet, the one with bigger attack is the winner and the loser will die. There are power up and power down in the field. if player is lucky enough to stop at the block with the power up, the character could gain more attack point. 

Game Mechanic: 
  • Each player should roll the 2 dices to get the range of step on the board and choose 1 random character by picking up a random card
  • Player must close their character's card to get the random one.
  • Only 10 characters can be in the field.
  • Each players gets 100 points from the beginning. 
  1. King = Attack : 5; Range: 1  
  2. Knight = Attack : 4; Range: 1
  3. Knight = Attack : 3; Range: 2
  4. Knight = Attack : 2; Range: 3
  5. Knight = Attack : 1; Range: 1
  1. If character want to perform an attack, they must open the card of the character.
  2. If both characters meet in one block, they must open their character's card and start battle. The biggest point is the one that will win.
  3. If the character stopped at the block, that contains a special attributes, it can power up or power down the character abilities.

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